
Paper Year Publication Save
Prevalence of Pre-Obesity/Obesity in Pre and Basic School Children at Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal 2016 Acta Medica Portuguesa 29: 31-40 Download
EPODE for the promotion of health equity 2015 Lavoisier Publishing
Dietary guidelines and food nutrient intakes in Portugal 2007 British Journal of Nutrition Download
Portuguese adult’s perceptions on healthy eating 2003 Culinary Arts and Sciences IV. Global and National Perspectives: 31-38
Obesity, body weight changes and weight loss practices in portuguese seniors 2002 III Congreso Iberoamericano de Nutrición y Salud Pública: 223
Healthy lifestyles in Portugal: the urgent need to promote physical activity 2001 Public Health Nutrition 4
Obesidade e fatores associados na população jovem: Situação em Portugal e na União Europeia 2000 Simpósio Obesidade e Anemia Carencial na Adolescência: 177-189
Avaliação de atitudes e comportamentos de adultos europeus face ao exercícios físico, peso corporal e saúde 1999 Congresso Internacional de Investigação em Exercício e Saúde
Food choice among Portuguese consumers during Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) crisis 1997 Appetite 29(2): 246